
Inscriptions are now closed! If you still wish to participate, please get in contact with the organizers.

Deadline for inscriptions is November 17, 2013 up to 11:59pm.

Inscriptions have been closed. You can still get in contact with the organizers if you wish to participate, but now we're not able to give any financial aid anymore.

The answer for the allowances (hotel) will be sent up to November 25, 2013.

The inscriptions will be effected after you register and pay the fee of R$ 200,00 for researchers/PhDs and R$ 150,00 for students. For members of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, the respective values are R$ 150,00 and R$ 110,00.

Please notice that due to the work involved, we are going to accept payments only in cash and in Reais.

Foreigners only: the tourist visa is enough. But if you consider you need an invitation letter, please send us an e-mail to ergodicoptimization (at) after your inscription.

Finally, after filling in the form and sending your inscription, there will be a link to edit your inscription. If you think that may be necessary, consider saving that link at your favorites.


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